Friday, December 29, 2023

Protecting Your Urban Chickens - Part 2

Part 2 in our series about protection of your urban flock begins with the premise that you already have a secure coop. This article is mostly about other steps you can take to provide further protection using additional items or technologies in conjunction with a safe, sturdy coop. You can read Part 1 here, if you missed it.

Using plants and landscaping to deter predators

Creating a predator-proof fortress for your urban chickens doesn't mean sacrificing aesthetics. You can use plants and landscaping to your advantage. Strategic placement of thorny bushes, such as roses or blackberries, can deter predators from getting too close to the coop. Additionally, tall grasses or dense shrubs near the perimeter of your coop can provide cover for your chickens. Be careful though, as tall grasses and brush at the outer reaches of your yard can provide cover for predators and make it easier for predators to approach unseen.

Implementing effective lighting and sound deterrents

Predators can be discouraged by well-placed lighting and sound. Install motion-activated lights around the coop and run to startle potential threats. You can also set up a radio with a timer to play during the night, as human voices or loud music can deter nocturnal predators.

Protecting chickens during free-roaming hours

While allowing your chickens to roam freely in your yard is a perk of urban chicken-keeping, it also exposes them to more risks. Limiting free-roaming hours to daylight when predators are less active can minimize the danger. Always ensure your chickens have a secure coop to retreat to and consider using portable fencing to create a safe roaming area. Make sure your birds all come in by dusk.

Utilizing advanced technology for protection

Exploring automated coop doors and predator alarms

For a hands-off approach, invest in automated coop doors that open and close at specified times. This ensures your chickens are safely locked up at night without requiring your constant attention. Predator alarms can also be installed, emitting high-pitched sounds or flashing lights to scare off intruders.

Using surveillance cameras and motion sensors

Modern technology can be a great ally in protecting your urban chickens. Set up trail cams to monitor the yard, the coop and run, allowing you to keep an eye on potential threats remotely. Motion sensors can trigger alerts, notifying you of any suspicious activity in real-time. Even if you don't opt for real-time notification, camera files can be reviewed regularly for anything unusual that might be happening while you aren't out there.

Monitoring systems and smartphone applications for remote monitoring

Take advantage of monitoring systems and smartphone apps designed for chicken keepers. These tools allow you to check on your flock remotely, monitor temperature and humidity levels, and receive notifications if any issues arise. It's like having a virtual chicken sitter in your pocket! You can even recycle your old phones to use as wireless cameras by using freely available "webcam" software and your home's wi-fi capabilities.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Protecting Your Urban Chickens - Part 1

Urban chicken keeping is becoming increasingly popular as more people embrace sustainable living and the desire to produce their own food. However, raising chickens in an urban environment comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to protecting your flock from potential dangers and predators. 

From identifying common predators to implementing effective fencing and utilizing advanced technology, we found some practical tips and strategies to help you keep your feathered friends safe and sound. Whether you are a seasoned urban chicken keeper or contemplating getting chickens for the first time, perhaps these methods will help you safeguard your flock and ensure their well-being. 

This is the first in a series about keeping your urban flocks safe.

Identifying common predators and dangers

Recognizing local predators and their behavior patterns

In urban areas, predators can pose a significant threat to your chickens. It's essential to familiarize yourself with the common predators in your area and learn about their behavior patterns. Raccoons, foxes, coyotes, and even stray cats are known to target chickens. In some urbanized areas, there are also aerial threats like owls and hawks. Knowing their habits and preferred hunting times can help you implement effective protective measures.

Identifying potential sources of danger in urban environments

Aside from predators, urban environments can also present other dangers to chickens. Busy roads, toxic plants, and even curious children or pets can pose a risk. Take the time to assess your surroundings and identify potential sources of danger that might compromise the safety of your flock.

Plans for all sizes of chickens coops designed for urban chicken keepers

The Coop

When it comes to protecting your urban chickens, the first line of defense is a well-constructed coop and run. Choose a suitable location that provides enough space for your chickens to roam yet is not easily accessible to predators. Ideally, position the coop in an area with good visibility from your house, making it easier to keep an eye on your feathered friends.

Building a sturdy and predator-resistant coop

Constructing a sturdy coop is crucial for keeping your chickens safe. Use strong materials and reinforce vulnerable areas like doors and windows. Ensure that the coop is predator-resistant by covering windows with hardware cloth and sealing any gaps or potential entry points. Remember, cunning predators can find even the smallest opening!

Installing secure doors, locks, and latches

Doors, locks, and latches should be your top priority when it comes to coop security. Invest in high-quality hardware and make sure everything is properly installed. Predators are crafty, and a flimsy latch won't stand a chance against their determined efforts to gain access to your precious flock.

Selecting appropriate fencing materials for urban chicken protection

A robust perimeter fence is essential for protecting your chickens from ground-based predators. Choose fencing materials that are strong, such as welded wire or chain-link, to prevent predators from squeezing through or breaking through the fence. It's also important to consider the height of the fence, as some predators may be adept at climbing.

Most importantly, remember that "chicken wire" keeps chickens in - it does NOT keep predators out.

Building a secure perimeter fence around the coop and run

To create a safe outdoor space for your chickens, enclose the coop and run with a secure perimeter fence. Ensure that the fence extends several inches below the ground to prevent predators from burrowing underneath. Regularly inspect the fence for signs of wear or damage, and promptly make any necessary repairs.

Using underground barriers to prevent digging predators

Digging predators pose a unique challenge, especially in urban areas where there may be limited space for underground barriers. However, employing deterrents like burying hardware cloth beneath the soil surface can help deter predators from digging into your chicken's territory.

Remember, protecting your urban chickens is an ongoing effort. Stay vigilant, regularly inspect your coop and surroundings, and make any necessary improvements to ensure the safety and well-being of your feathered companions. With the right precautions in place, you can enjoy the benefits of urban chicken keeping without losing any sleep over potential dangers.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Urban Chickens - Are They For You?

There is definitely a mounting trend in America regarding the little bird scientifically known as Gallus Gallus Domesticus. The Chicken. Or more specifically, the domesticated and now, urbanized chicken. The backyard chicken. The Neighbor's chicken. Maybe even your chicken!

What Are Urban Chickens?

If you are unfamiliar with the term "urban, chickens," the University of Kentucky defines it like this: 

The terms urban poultry and backyard poultry both refer to flocks kept on residential lots. Keeping chickens in urban areas is becoming increasingly popular throughout the country. The main reasons for keeping chickens are as pets and for egg production—pets with benefits.

Probably the main idea to take note of in here is that these birds are usually pets who live on your residential lot with you. Just like taking on a cat or a dog, the owner is assuming a significant responsibility for feeding, housing, and caring for their chickens, as well as keeping those pets within their property lines, and abiding by any neighborhood, or civic restrictions that might affect how they keep their chickens. While rural chicken owners might also have some of these considerations, the urban chicken owner usually has closer neighbors and more strict rules to follow.

On the plus side, it can also be easier for the urban chicken owner to find someone to look in on their chickens for them if they need to go out of town.

Before You Buy

If you are planning to join the ranks of urban chicken farmers, here are some things you may want to to consider in advance of that first little cheep arriving at your home:

  • Check neighborhood, town, city, or county restrictions on backyard chicken raising. You might find out that there are limits not only on the number and gender of chickens you are allowed to have, but minimum/maximum requirements on the size of the coop and run, minimum distance from other homes.
  • Review noise ordinances just to be on the safe side. A lot of folks believe that "no roosters" means you will have a quiet hen yard. Nope. Hens singing the "egg song" can be quite noisy.
  • Read about a wide variety of breeds before you make your choice of which chickens to raise. This can be pretty intimidating at first, so it can be useful to break things down into categories and read about those first, like chickens who do best in cold climates, or learning about terminology, like learning what "straight run" means.
  • Make a realistic price list for the basic accessories you're going to have to buy if you choose to raise chickens - a coop, a covered run, feed, as well as something to put that feed and water in if you don't want to waste it. If you're likely to experience extreme heat or cold situations, also price in appropriate accessories for dealing with those extremes so you aren't blindsided when the extreme weather hits.
  • Ask if your local vet will see chickens. Chickens can get sick or be injured - it can be helpful to decide in advance whether or not vet visits for your chickens are even possible in your area. Some folks spend money for vet visits, some don't - you need to think about which option is right for you (or even available) before you are forced to choose.
  • Factor in time - whether it's cleaning a coop, gathering eggs, or just checking on the flock, you will need to come to grips with the demands your backyard flock will make on your spare time. Some folks have coffee with their chickens every morning, some just see them at feeding time. You'll figure out which you are eventually but it's still worth thinking about your existing free time and considering how many of them you are ready to devote to poop-scooping! (see the first point about local restrictions - you might be required to clean your coop more often than you plan to.)

But what if you just jumped in with both feet and ordered your chicks because spring chick pre-orders are open NOW and you just couldn't wait another minute to grab those little cuties? 

Don't worry - your chicks can't actually be shipped until its warm enough to do so safely. Even if you only manage to get through half this list before your chicks arrive, part of a plan is better than no plan. Doing a little research ahead of time will help prepare you for the realities of becoming an urban chicken farmer!

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